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Delivery method – Online

Law of Attraction ICF Life Coaching (LOA)

Law of Attraction ICF life coaching is a training program that is designed according to the requirements of ICF. It aims to develop coaches who are eager to learn and practice core competencies of coaching and apply their knowledge and skills in coaching engagements to support human transformation.

Program Goals

Program Details

Learning Outcomes

Upon successfully completing the LOA coach training program, all participants will have the knowledge and ability to comprehend and implement the core competencies outlined by the ICF markers for professional certified coaches.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successfully completing the LOA coach training program, all participants will have the knowledge and ability to comprehend and implement the core competencies outlined by the ICF markers for professional certified coaches.

Program Goals

The (LOA) coaching training program is a learner-centered program that is designed to support the development of professional coaches. The main goals of the program are as follows:

-Support learning and practice of core competencies and skills necessary for a professional coach
-Comply with the requirements of ICF (International Coaching Federation) to maintain the global standards.
-Promote and encourage continuous learning by providing follow-up advanced learning opportunities that facilitate the sharing of knowledge.


Program Details

Program Goals

The (LOA) coaching training program is a learner-centered program that is designed to support the development of professional coaches. The main goals of the program are as follows:

-Support learning and practice of core competencies and skills necessary for a professional coach
-Comply with the requirements of ICF (International Coaching Federation) to maintain the global standards.
-Upon successfully completing the LOA coach training program, all participants will have the knowledge and ability to comprehend and implement the core competencies outlined by the ICF markers for professional certified coaches.

Learning Sets

We deliver our program through 21 learning sets. The combined contact hours of all sets are 65 whereas 80% of these hours are synchronous.

Delivery method – Online

•The Core Energy Coaching
•Frederick Hudson
•Thomas Leonard
•The Heart of Coaching
ICF Coach
Professional Coaching

•You cannot Make a Mistake
•Absolute Passion is the Highest Form of Consciousness
•Our level of True Awareness is Directly Related to our Lack of Judging
•Each One of Us is a Perfect, Unique Energy Force
•The Answers to All Questions Lies Within
•The Only Constant is Change
•Each of Us is Greater and Wiser than We Appear to Be
•All Experiences are Opportunities for Growth
•We each have a Higher Coach
•Life Offers neither Problems nor Challenges, Only Opportunities.
•Life is a Perfect Adventure; A Game that Cannot be Won or Lost, Only Played
•The Universe Makes Sense
•Each Person We Meet is Our Teacher and Student
•The World is a Perceptual Illusion
•We are Each a Product of Our Own Belief System
•Faith Can Be More Powerful than Proof
•Self-Mastery Occurs When the Ego is Transcended
•We are not the Spoke, nor a Group of Many Spokes – We Are the Wheel
•Doing is Work, Being is Effortless
•Anyone’s journey is as unique and valuable as any other’s journey
•Spirituality is not limited in any way or to anything
•A purpose can be found in everything that happens
•We are each here for a special purpose
•Now is all there is
•Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
•The Best Way to Teach Love is to Be Love
•We either Grow or Die
•Nothing exists in isolation of anything else
•Truth Exists Regardless of Belief or Consensus
•Truth is Power
•The Greatest Freedom is the Freedom of Choice
•Energy Attracts like Energy

•The Elevator Speech
•The Bridge Sell (also referred to as the 1-2 minute sell)
•20-30 Minute Complimentary Session
•Initial Session
A.Setting the Foundation
B.Co-creating the relationship
C.Communicating effectively
D.Facilitating learning and results
•Asking Permission
•Bottom Lining
•Breaking Resistance
•Button Pushing
•Coaching Energy Blocks: Limiting Beliefs
•Coaching Energy Blocks: Interpretations
•Coaching Energy Blocks: Assumption
•Coaching Energy Blocks: Gremlins
•Creating Meta-plans
•Empowering Questions
•Getting a Buy-In
•Goal Setting
•Holding the Client’s Agenda
•Inquiry of assignments
•Making Choices
•Moving Clients from Head to Heart
•Planting the Seed
•Quantum Thinking
•Responding vs. Reacting
•Strategic Planning
•Thinking Outside the Box
•Sport Coaching

10.1 ICF Standards of Ethical Conduct
10.2 Professional Conduct at Large
10.3 Conflicts of Interest
10.4 Professional Conduct with Clients
10.5 Confidentiality / Privacy
10.6 Continuing Development
10.7 The ICF Pledge of Ethic
10.8 Ethical Dilemmas and Challenges
10.9 Top Ten Indicators to Refer a Client to a Mental Health Professional …..
10.10 ICF Pledge of Ethics/ Code of Ethics

•Functions and Characteristics of Coaching Models
•Architecture of Coaching Process

•Values Assessment
•Exploring Your Own Values
•Further Exploration
•Personal Consciousness
•Full Spectrum Consciousness

•Creating Change through Positive Language
•Focus on Solutions
•The Miracle Question

•TERA Model of Building Trust and Relationship

17.1 Mindfulness
17.2 Law of Attraction
17.3 Two Brain Tools
17.4 Other Coaching Tools
17.5 (3) Steps to attract your goal tool


Iman Hasan PCC

Iman is an ICF professional certified coach and a coach trainer for many modalities such as law of attraction, NLP, Enneagram, and life coaching. She is also an energy healing master and is currently working on her PhD in metaphysical sciences.
Iman has coached a wide variety of clients ranging from students, homemakers, corporate leaders ,and entrepreneurs. Prior to her coaching passion, she led various large scale organizational training programs.
Iman, an Engineer by profession, made a career shift in 2010 to pursue her passion. Her primary expertise lies in motivating individuals and assisting them in harnessing their full potential.
She has been featured in multiple television interviews as a renowned inspirational coach. Additionally, she has authored “Your Way to Inner Peace,” a daily journal designed to guide individuals through self-coaching using creative techniques.

As the founder of AUM Meditation Center, Iman provides inspiration coaching and facilitates transformative experiences.


Iman Hasan PCC

Iman is an ICF professional certified coach and a coach trainer for many modalities such as law of attraction, NLP, Enneagram, and life coaching. She is also an energy healing master and is currently working on her PhD in metaphysical sciences.
Iman has coached a wide variety of clients ranging from students, homemakers, corporate leaders,and entrepreneurs. Prior to her coaching passion, she led various large scale organizational training programs.
Iman, an Engineer by profession, made a career shift in 2010 to pursue her passion. Her primary expertise lies in motivating individuals and assisting them in harnessing their full potential.
She has been featured in multiple television interviews as a renowned inspirational coach. Additionally, she has authored “Your Way to Inner Peace,” a daily journal designed to guide individuals through self-coaching using creative techniques.

As the founder of AUM Meditation Center, Iman provides inspiration coaching and facilitates transformative experiences.

Program Details

March 26th, 2022 to October 1st, 2022.

May 21st, 2021 to December 26th, 2021

The program is currently available across the Gulf countries.

The entire program is offered in Arabic and English .

Currently seven students are enrolled.
They are professionals in HR, IT, Engineering and pharmacy. It is intended to have 10-20 students in each batch in the suture.

This program is for those who are eager to learn and grow and become part of a movement for human transformation for creating a better world. People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to join

The total program fee is USD 3000, and students are given the flexibility to pay it in two equal instalments.

Students are entitled to withdraw from the program at any stage of the program. Our fee refund policy is as follows:

Only the admin fee of USD 350.00 is deducted if a student withdraws any time prior to first classroom training

60% of the total fee is refunded if a student withdraws immediately after the first classroom training

20% of the total fee is refunded if a student withdraws immediately after the advanced classroom training

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