Corporate Mentoring Programs
Awareness Based Mentoring
Mentoring is a relationship where the mentor supports the learning, development and progress of the mentee by offering information, advice and assistance in a way that empowers the mentee.
We support organizations by helping them in designing and supervision of the mentoring program for maximizing the planned value of mentoring.
Corporate Mentoring Programs
Awareness Based Mentoring
Mentoring is a relationship where the mentor supports the learning, development and progress of the mentee by offering information, advice and assistance in a way that empowers the mentee.
We support organizations by helping them in designing and supervision of the mentoring program for maximizing the planned value of mentoring.
Corporate Mentoring Programs
3-Stage Mentoring Process
Mentoring includes a number of processes. Different mentors have different strengths and work in different ways. Whatever approach or style you use, working within a well-thought out, robust and flexible framework will ensure you are most effective in helping your mentee. A useful framework is a 3-stage process of helping looks like the following:
Stage 1: Exploration
At this stage, a mentor aims to establish ground rules, takes the lead by listening, pays attention to the relationship and develops it, clarifies the aims and objectives of the mentoring, and supports the exploration.
Stage 2: New Understanding
At this stage, as a mentor, you aim to support and understand, be constructive and positive, recognize strengths, help to generate options, help to establish priorities, help to identify developmental needs, and inspire and motivate.
Stage 3: Action Planning
At this stage, a mentor aims to examine options for action and their consequences, reviews the mentoring process and the relationship, and helps the mentee to develop an action plan.
Corporate Mentoring Programs
How Mentoring Can Help your Organization?
Mentoring has become recognized worldwide as a highly effective learning and development process. In business organizations, mentoring supports:
Knowledge development and knowledge sharing
The development of effective learning environments
Value added performance and productivity development
The changing role of managers – from command and control to challenge
and support
People in changing situations
Stress management initiatives
Management, capability, talent and leadership development
Creativity and innovation
Problem solving skills development
Strategic decision making
Corporate Mentoring Programs
How Mentoring Can Help your Organization?
Mentoring has become recognized worldwide as a highly effective learning and development process. In business organizations, mentoring supports:
Knowledge development and knowledge sharing
The development of effective learning environments
Value added performance and productivity development
The changing role of managers – from command and control to challenge
and support
People in changing situations
Stress management initiatives
Management, capability, talent and leadership development
Creativity and innovation
Problem solving skills development
Strategic decision making
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Corporate Mentoring Programs Mentoring is used for a wide range of purposes such as:
Induction and on-boarding: to help people get up to speed in an organization
Leadership development: to help develop leadership abilities
Succession planning: to develop potential managers of the future
Talent programs: to develop talent, potential and capability
Reflective practice: to ensure effective learning for the future
Career progression: to assist in identifying and supporting potential
Support for learning at work: to encourage optimal learning and performance
Diversity programs: to respect and value cultural and social diversity
Redundancy support: to assist people adapting to unexpected change
Support in times of change at work: to ensure rapid assimilation and delivery
Within change programs: to help people understand what is involved in change
Enterprise development: to start and develop new businesses
Corporate Mentoring Programs
Benefits of Mentoring
For the mentee
Improved performance and productivity
Enhanced career opportunity and career advancement
Improved knowledge and skills development
Leadership development
Greater confidence, well-being, commitment and motivation
For the mentor
Improved performance
Greater job satisfaction, loyalty, commitment and self-awareness
New knowledge and skills acquired
Leadership development
Reduced conflict and improved relationships with colleagues and customers
For the manager
A more motivated, effective and resourceful team member
Improved skills and knowledge in the team
Improved performance capability and opportunity
For the business
Improved productivity and performance
Improved implementation of strategies and policies
Improved staff retention, morale and motivation
Improved communication and relationships with colleagues and customers
Improved knowledge exchange and learning
Improved growth and sustainability
Corporate Mentoring Programs
Benefits of Mentoring
For the mentee
Improved performance and productivity
Enhanced career opportunity and career advancement
Improved knowledge and skills development
Leadership development
Greater confidence, well-being, commitment and motivation
For the mentor
Improved performance
Greater job satisfaction, loyalty, commitment and self-awareness
New knowledge and skills acquired
Leadership development
Reduced conflict and improved relationships with colleagues and customers
For the manager
A more motivated, effective and resourceful team member
Improved skills and knowledge in the team
Improved performance capability and opportunity
For the business
Improved productivity and performance
Improved implementation of strategies and policies
Improved staff retention, morale and motivation
Improved communication and relationships with colleagues and customers
Improved knowledge exchange and learning
Improved growth and sustainability
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مركز أوم للتأمل والتدريب على الحياة
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